Buku Tano ~ Easy Hosting: The Best Website Hosting in Tanzania

Buku Tano ~ Easy Hosting is the best web hosting in Tanzania and Africa at the moment. We have been serving our clients since 2017. Buku Tano has brought the web hosting business into the next level of simplicity by offering affordable web hosting in Tanzania as well as Africa.

Running a website has been easier with the best web hosting in Africa. It doesn’t matter you want a blog, eCommerce, corporate site, and anything related to a website, Buku Tano is the best web hosting and your perfect choice.

You don’t have to worry about disk storage or bandwidth anymore while you have access to the best affordable web hosting in Tanzania and Africa generally. We offer unlimited plans cheaply to the extent that nobody else can do that relative to the quality of service we have!

Currently, Buku Tano ~ Easy Hosting is owned by Trisoftnet Incorporation Limited, one of the growing companies of technology in Tanzania. Our web hosting business is operating from Tanzania as the headquarter. Buku Tano is one of the best web hosting in Africa and the best affordable web hosting in Tanzania at the moment.

Web hosting Tanzania has deeply changed by the game changer; Buku Tano the best affordable web hosting in Tanzania service provider ever in the country. Since the demand to own a website is increasing rapidly, use this opportunity to take live your own website immediately with affordable website hosting in Tanzania.

Apart from the best web hosting service we offer, Buku Tano provides all domain name registration services at very reasonable prices. We register .com, .net, .org, .tz, .ke and much more. Try our service and you will agree with us that Buku Tano Easy ~ Hosting is the best web hosting in Tanzania with reliable services and servers. Drive your business faster with managed web hosting available at Buku Tano ~ Easy Hosting.

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Our Mission

We engineered our hosting platform to deliver you the best hosting experience, in a short period.

Our Vision

Our vision as a hosting provider is to have you experience the best web hosting that you have ever had.

contact us 24/7 support

Award-winning, 24/7
sales & support

Our support staff is available 24/7/365 to assist you via Telephone, LiveChat, or Email with any hosting-related issues.

money back

45 Days money back

Try our services at no risk! If you're not completely satisfied, you can cancel within 45 days for a complete refund.

99.9% runtime

99.9% Server uptime

The availability of your website is our top priority. We stand by that fact with our dedicated uptime guarantee!

We understand your need for high
performance & reliable hosting

We provides you with everything necessary to start your own web hosting company. WHM allows you to create cPanels for each of your clients.

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Meet Our Leadership Team

We are grateful for the role we play in our client's lives and businesses

Hosting Lead
Marketing Lead

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