What is the Price of Web Hosting in Tanzania

What is the Price of Web Hosting in Tanzania?

After extensive research we discovered that the price of web hosting in Tanzania is affordable only at Buku Tano ~ Easy Hosting. Many hosting providers are not cost friendly in Tanzania. They charge high rates and the service is uncompetitive. This is why Buku Tano ~ Easy Hosting comes to make a total difference. Our research discovered that Buku Tano ~ Easy Hosting offers affordable rates compared to multiple service providers. Keep reading to check out why we are the best web hosting service provider in Tanzania.

Do you want to know why Buku Tano ~ Easy Hosting is the best web hosting company in Tanzania? Let’s have a look, don’t be fooled by pricing. You need to find out about major things such as storage, bandwidth, database, email accounts, and much more. Most of users do not get rid of these.

Do simple research, write  this query “What is the Price of Web Hosting in Tanzania?“, check the list of websites that provide web hosting, and compare the service plans vs pricing.

However, we have done the research for you. Observe the table below from over 10 service providers and compare with what Buku Tano ~ Easy Hosting offers for a basic hosting plan:

Provider Storage Bandwidth eMail Accounts Pricing Annually
Buku Tano ~ Easy Hosting Unmetered Unmetered Unmetered 60,000/=
Duhosting 1 GB Unmetered 5 Accounts 40,000/=
Zesha (Extreme Web Technology) 3 GB Unmetered 5 Accounts 199,000/=
Route Africa 1 GB Unmetered Unlimited 20,000/=
Yatosha 1 GB Unmetered Unlimited 44,000/=
Fabonic 0.5 GB 10 GB Not Specified 60,000/=
Microsafi 1 GB Unmetered Unlimited 12,000/=
Cloud 360 1 GB Unmetered Unlimited 40,000/=
PrimeZone 5 GB Unmetered 10 GB per email 40,000/=
Kili Host 0.05 GB 1 GB Not specified 25,000/=
Net Poa 3 GB Unmetered 10 Accounts 50,000/=
Power Web TZ 1 GB 10 GB Unlimited 110,000/=
Wazo Host 1 GB Unlimited 4 Accounts 50,000/=

What Makes Buku Tano ~ Easy Hosting so Adorable?

Compared to other web hosting providers, Buku Tano ~ Easy Hosting has additional advantages in various aspects. These benefits make Buku Tano ~ Easy Hosting to be one of the best web hosting companies in Tanzania. Their uniqueness is based on the following arguments

  1. Unmetered Storage

Powered with SSD technology, you don’t have to worry about storage size. We offer unlimited storage sizes for every plan. Nobody is doing that, you can check with the others! We offer hosting services for Linux Hosting and WordPres Hosting effectively.

  1. Unmetered Bandwidth

When users browse your website, they consume bandwidth on downloading the web pages. If you have limited bandwidth, your site might stop appearing once you reach the maximum limit. That website will not show up until the end of the month whereby it reset the limit to zero again. This means if you have high traffic, your website might disappear within a few days every month, so sad 😉

  1. Unlimited e-mail accounts

With our plans, you can create any number of business email accounts related to your domain name for example info@yourdomain.co.tz / sales@yourdomain.co.tz / support@yourdomain.co.tz, and much more at your own pace. You can create even 1000 email accounts! Wow, that’s powerful!


Security is very important to your website. If you don’t see a locked padlock icon before your URL on the browser then you are not safe. A website of such kind does not guarantee the safety and security of the data. We offer a FREE SSL that secures your site to any domain hosted with us. Some pay hundreds of dollars, but for us it is FREE!

  1. Isolated Account

Every plan has a separate cPanel Account that gives you the flexibility to manage everything related to web hosting.

  1. 1 Click Apps Installer

We have a number of apps that you install directly to your website from CMS to site builders and much more.

  1. High Performance

We have powerful servers with the latest generation Intel Xeon E5 v3 CPUs, DDR4 ECC RAM, and fast redundant RAID-protected SSD storage that make your website runs smoothly always.

  1. Affordable Pricing

Our basic plan is Tsh. 5,000/= per month, this is the best pricing we offer ever compared to the quality we provide. Our low pricing does not compromise the quality of the service.

What is on your hand right now?

Today we have a 40% discount for any plan we offer. Remember, the only difference in our hosting plans is the number of domain names hosted, otherwise, everything is the same.  Use the coupon SPE40 to claim a 40% discount. This offer ends on Soon!

Start to run your website today with us among of the best web hosting companies in Tanzania. We guarantee 45- day money-back in case of insufficient service. No questions asked! WE OFFER FREE SITE MIGRATION FROM OTHER SERVERS! 

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